Workplace Noise Assessments

Exposure to high noise levels for extended periods of time can cause irreversible hearing damage. HSE-Solutions Ltd can assess noise at work levels and advise on hearing protection zones and noise mitigation measures.

With the adoption of the requirements of the European Physical Agents Directive into British law. The new regulations, known as the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005, impose new lower limits on employers.

The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005, define the responsibilities of employers and employees within a workplace. The regulations are based on the ‘daily personal noise exposure’, LEP,d of an individual. This measurement parameters not only measures the level of noise, but also takes into account the length of time that an individual is exposed to that noise. In order to reduce hearing damage carried by noise, the regulations stipulate three action values:

Lower Exposure Action Value:

(a) a daily or weekly personal noise exposure of 80 dB (A-weighted); and

(b) a peak sound pressure of 135 dB (C-weighted).

Upper Exposure Action Values:

(a) a daily or weekly personal noise exposure of 85 dB (A-weighted); and

(b) a peak sound pressure of 137 dB (C-weighted).

Exposure Limit Values:

(a) a daily or weekly personal noise exposure of 87 dB (A-weighted); and

(b) a peak sound pressure of 140 dB (C-weighted).

The limit value will take into account the reduction afforded by hearing protection.

In practical terms, if you cannot hear a normal conversation clearly at 1 meters from the speaker, the noise level is likely to be around 85 dB(A). If you cannot hear someone clearly at 1 meter, the level is likely to be 90 dB(A) or higher.

The regulations require employers to take necessary steps to reduce the exposure of employees to high noise levels in two main ways, by controlling or eliminating the noise at source, or by the use of personal hearing protection, e.g. ear plugs or muffs.

However, the regulations state that the employer must take all reasonably practicable measures to reduce the noise exposure before providing personal hearing protection. It is in this area where the services of an experienced acoustic consultant are invaluable.

HSE-Solutions Ltd consultants are considered 'competent' under the regulations and can provide the following services:

  • Workplace assessment survey in accordance with the Control of Noise Regulations 2005
  • Design and Specification of Noise Control Measures
  • Project management of large installations including noise action and management plans
  • Training of employers and employees
  • Calculation of required hearing protection


Control of vibration at work

The control of vibration at work regulations are detailed in statutory instrument 2005 came into force on 6th July 2005. The regulations apply to the exposure of workers to both hand arm vibration and whole-body vibration.

Hand arm vibration is mechanical vibration which is transmitted into the hands and arms during a work activity. Excessive exposure to hand arm vibration can lead to hand arm vibration syndrome (HAVS). The injuries that can occur include damage to the blood circulatory system (vibration white finger), sensory nerve damage and damage to muscles, bones and joints. Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome has become the most commonly reported disease under RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations) in recent years. Workers using hand-held power tools or hand-guided tools over prolonged periods are most at risk of contracting HAVS.

Whole-body vibration is mechanical vibration which is transmitted into the body when seated or standing through the supporting surface during a work activity. Regular long-term exposure to whole-body vibration is associated with back pain and problems with posture.

The Regulations require the employer to assess the risk to health created by vibration at the workplace, to eliminate the exposure or where this is not reasonably practicable to reduce it to as low a level as is reasonably practicable. In some circumstances the employer is also obliged to provide health surveillance to prevent or diagnose any health effect linked with exposure to vibration. In addition the employer is also required to provide information, instruction and training on the risks of vibration at work to their employees where there is an established risk to their health.

Occupational Vibration

There has been growing concern about the effect of prolonged and regular work with high-vibration equipment on users. Without effective identification, quantification and controls, employees using such equipment could suffer various forms of damage known as “Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome” (HAVS) (which is a prescribed industrial disease) or symptoms resulting from Whole Body Vibration (WBV).

Risk Assessment

Wherever employees are at risk, employers must consider what action is necessary to reduce the risk, so far as is reasonably practicable, to meet the requirements of legislation.

Employers must conduct suitable and sufficient risk assessments on all work that could expose employees to hazardous levels of vibration. Employers must also establish appropriate arrangements and control measures to minimise the risks. HSE-Solutions Ltd can assist you to fulfil all of these requirements.


HSE-Solutions Ltd offer a whole range of tailored vibration solutions for all industries. This includes the development and implementation of Hand Arm Vibration management programmes, management and staff training, vibration assessments and advice on medical surveillance programmes. All services are tailored specifically to your needs in order to provide you, the client, with the complete vibration solution.

Hand Arm Vibration (HAV)

Hand arm vibration is mechanical vibration which is transmitted into the hands and arms during a work activity. Excessive exposure to hand arm vibration can lead to hand arm vibration syndrome (HAVS). The injuries that can occur include damage to the blood circulatory system (vibration white finger), sensory nerve damage and damage to muscles, bones and joints.

Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome has become one of the most commonly reported disease under RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations) in recent years. Workers using hand-held power tools or hand-guided tools over prolonged periods are most at risk of contracting HAVS.

The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005 came into force in July 2005. The regulations apply to the exposure of workers to both hand arm vibration and whole-body vibration.

The Regulations require the employer to assess the risk to health created by vibration at the workplace, to eliminate the exposure or where this is not reasonably practicable to reduce it to as low a level as is reasonably practicable.

In some circumstances the employer is also obliged to provide health surveillance to prevent or diagnose any health effect linked with exposure to vibration. In addition the employer is also required to provide information, instruction and training on the risks of vibration at work to their employees where there is an established risk to their health.

Whole Body Vibration (WBV)

Whole-body vibration is mechanical vibration which is transmitted into the body when seated or standing through the supporting surface during a work activity. Regular long-term exposure to whole-body vibration can sometimes be associated with back pain and problems with posture.

The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005 came into force in July 2005. The regulations apply to the exposure of workers to both hand arm vibration and whole-body vibration.

The Regulations require the employer to assess the risk to health created by vibration at the workplace, to eliminate the exposure or where this is not reasonably practicable to reduce it to as low a level as is reasonably practicable.

In some circumstances the employer is also obliged to provide health surveillance to prevent or diagnose any health effect linked with exposure to vibration. In addition the employer is also required to provide information, instruction and training on the risks of vibration at work to their employees where there is an established risk to their health.

In order to properly assess the risk from occupational vibration a vibration risk assessment must be conducted.

Vibration at Work

There has been growing concern about the effect of prolonged and regular work with high-vibration equipment on users. Without effective identification, quantification and controls, employees using such equipment could suffer various forms of damage known as “Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome” (HAVS) (which is a prescribed industrial disease). HAVS is also currently one of the most common reasons for occupational ill health claims made against employers

Risk Assessment

Wherever employees are at risk, employers must consider what action is necessary to reduce the risk, so far as is reasonably practicable, to meet the requirements of legislation.

Employers must conduct suitable and sufficient risk assessments on all work that could expose employees to hazardous levels of vibration. Employers must also establish appropriate arrangements and control measures to minimise the risks. Vibrotags® can assist you to fulfil all of these requirements.


2005 sees the launch of Vibrotag Ltd’s unique “traffic light” colour-coded Vibrotags® warning system that combines our existing exposure points system to assist in providing a practical means of managing Hand Arm Vibration (HAV) exposure within the workplace, helping employers comply with current European guidance and regulations aimed at regulating levels of HAV that employees can be exposed to at work.

The range of colour coded Vibrotags® display an immediate visual reference of the HAV risk level associated with each piece of equipment. If employees use only “green” tools they would stay below the Exposure Action Value (EAV) as described within the Vibration at Work Regulations 2005 and the use of either green or amber tools would ensure that all employees stay below the Exposure Limit value (ELV) as detailed within the above regulations. Use of tools marked with a red Vibrotag® indicates tools that could potentially result in an individual exceeding the ELV at some point within the day. This is where the unique Vibrotag® points system will assist in ensuring that exposure is kept below the desired level.

Robust enough to withstand extremes of weather and temperature, Vibrotags® are equally at home underground or underwater and are unaffected by oil or solvents. They can be either printed or supplied plain with a special marking pen. Vibrotags® help employers manage the risk of HAV by providing a cost-effective and above all, long-lasting method of displaying vibration hazard warnings.

Vibrotag® Exposure points

One of the most common problems in relation to the estimation of vibration exposure is where employees use more than one piece of vibration equipment per day. This would normally require complicated mathematics to be completed daily by the user, however, Vibrotag® exposure points allows this maths to be completed within our unique computer software allowing the employer to simply mark the equipment accordingly with the appropriate colour coded Vibrotag®. The user then simply adds the points together allowing them to estimate and manage their own vibration exposure.

Medical Surveillance

Where employees are exposed above the EAV employers must conduct medical surveillance on exposed employees. Vibrotag® along with our exposure point system allows both your occupational health provider and operational management to speak the same language i.e. an employee can provide accurate levels in the form of exposure points per day to the nurse or doctor and the occupational health provider can provide meaningful guidance back to the operational management team. If an employee is suffering symptoms, the occupational physician is able to restrict the individual exposure by means of restricting the total exposure points the person can be exposed to. This reduced level can then be managed by both the employee and their supervisor.


Vibrotag® in conjunction with HSE-Solutions Ltd are unique in offering a whole range of tailored vibration solutions for all industries. This includes the development and implementation of Hand Arm Vibration management programmes, management and staff training, vibration assessments and advice on medical surveillance programmes. All services can be tailored specifically to your needs in order to provide you, the client, with the complete vibration solution.


The package includes a management awareness and vibration management pack and our unique exposure point calculation software (subject to minimum order). At less than £1 per Vibrotag®, this represents a cost effective solution to a complex problem.

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